cape town, south africa

Orientation week is nearly over and I can finally get into a regular routine. My first week here on the Cape has been great but there’s been so much to do and so much to organize before school starts on Monday that I’ve had no time to relax. My courses are all registered now and I’ll be taking politics, history, and even some introductory Swahili. I’m living in a small house with three other exchange students: Laura is from Washington, DC, another Laura is from near Yorkshire, England, and Julie is from Germany… Yup, just me and the girls. Life is sweet eh?
I’ve also seen a lot of the region in my first week. I’ve been to the Cape of Good Hope, the South-western most point on the African continent, seen penguins on the beach, and survived my first ride in a mini-bus taxi… more to come about that later.
For now I’ve got to get off this computer and down to the Pick-‘N-Pay to grab some meat and a case of Castle Lager for our big Brai tomorrow night (South African BBQ).
Oh ya, it’s 23 degrees and sunny. I love African winter.
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