Saturday, April 27, 2013
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Lion Tamers
around just short of the summit. On the bright side, we got a stunning view of the city, Howe Sound, and had a snowball fight in August.
What did you do yesterday?
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Travels closer to home
I was able to spend nearly 4 straight weekends at the cabin on Chain Lake over late June and early July. While not nearly as exotic as some of the other places I've been, it's a pretty good comprimise when you find yourself in a career that precludes extended trips to far-flug places. Fishing, ATV'ing (is that a word?), swiming, campfires, steaks on the fire, and plenty of 1845.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Finally, a useful and worthwhile application for modern technology
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I like to get poked
I'd like to think poking is a little more innocuous than that, you know, a knowing nod between friends, or maybe a high-five.
...but just in case I'm wrong, I'm not going to poke my sister.
Monday, June 02, 2008
The road is calling

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Losing Touch
One of the consequences of extensive traveling is the creation of amazing friendships with amazing people and unfortunately the remorse that comes with doing a poor job of keeping in touch. I always have the best intentions of writing, calling, and messaging those people that have been such an important part of my life but somehow day-to-day responsibilities always seem to get in the way. Here are some people that have had an impact on me (some significantly, some more subtle) that I wish I could see more often (in no particular order):
Laura Peterson (USA), Laura Hawxwell (UK), Juli Petersen (Germany), Klara McKosh (S. Africa), Nick Alhers (USA), David Fuamba (DRC), Andrea Joebstl (Austria), Sarah Clear (Australia), Maria Anikina (Austria), Kira Hoffman (USA), Marjoe Prado (USA), Natalie Fullgrabe (UK), Nuray Presti (Hungary), Suzie Minervini (USA), Rebecca Falls (USA), Ras Stouby (Denmark), Marni Steckler (Canada), Lauren Hill (NZ), Jori & Theo (UK), Eskil Vethe Herfindal (Norway), Amanda Violette (Canada), Jake Kearney (Australia), Heather Wright (USA), Emilie Lakey (S. Africa), Doug Heim (USA), Dayan Karakachevi (Bulgaria), Craig Austad (USA), Bruno Van Den Elshout (Ned), Annie Wallace (USA), Klara (Namibia), Jenifer Partin (USA), Mark Migliorini (Australia), Nicky Muzio (UK), Sara McMillan (Canada), Vinay Pillai (India), Andrea Prenny (Canada), Enache Zarafu (Romania)
There are others I know but these names came to mind immediately when I started thinking about friends I wish I did a better job of staying in touch with.
Anybody feel a new year's resolution coming on?
Friday, October 08, 2004
Reach out and touch someone???

Monday, October 04, 2004
L.A. beats with an Oakland booty

A final word to the wise... when a big mamma decides that its time to shake her bon-bon on the dance floor, you best stand out of the way.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Ya Mampela?
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
A Higher Education
What I've learned living with 3 women...
Boys are stupid... unless the're paying lots and lots of attention to you. Then they're still probably stupid, but you should be nice to them anyway just in case they have hot friends.
Girls are good at science... they must be because you would need a degree in chemistry to figure out how to use all the various skin creams and hair products that litter our bathroom
The reason many girls obsess about their hair is because it is perpetually falling out. Girls hair must grow really fast or else, judging by the amount of hair in the drain in our sink, all of my roomates should be bald by now
Having an undesireable guy flirt with you is better than having no guy at all
Never come between a woman and a tub of Blueberry Cheesecake Icecream... Never!
When a girl asks you: "Can I have the rest of the pudding you made last night" an appropriate response is NOT: "Didn't you just eat an entire tub of Blueberry Cheesecake Icecream?" Trust me on this one.
Girls don't take out the garbage. They just don't.
When Sex and The City is on TV... everyone better shut up. When a James Bond movie is on, no such rule applies.
When the topic of conversation turns to fresh brownies, Bridget Jone's Diary, or "that cute guy in our history class who sat next to me today...", cover your ears and leave the room because there's going to be a lot of screetching going on.
Sarcastic responses that work with the guys somehow aren't as funny in a house full of girls.
Laura - I need a shower!
Rich - <holding his nose> Wow, you sure do!
Not funny.
A salad can be a meal... not just a side dish.
Skim milk and low-fat cottage cheese is important because it wont make you fat. Neither does an entire tub of Blueberry Cheesecake Icecream.
South African boys are too skinny
When a woman tells you she's fat, she doesn't really think she's fat. She just wants to hear you tell her that she isn't. (please note that sarcasm is not appropriate here either)
When girls get ready to go out to a party they must spend at least five minutes before they leave, telling eachother: "You look beautiful! I wish I had boobs like yours". Then the other one must reply with: "Oh my god! You're gorgeous in that top. I wish my butt would fit in pants like those!"
You must do everything you can to make guys pay attention to you... try and talk about things they're interested in, wear a low cut top, laugh at things that aren't funny... and then you must act surprised when they actually DO pay attention to you.
If he DOESN'T pay attention to you, he's just an arrogant ass-hole.
But don't throw his number away yet...
...he might have cute friends.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Just call me "Hottie"
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Maybe not.
On the brighter side, I went out on my first rockclimbing trip with the mountaineering club and everyone just assumed I was this hard-core adrenaline junkie from America. Must have been the accent...
Thursday, July 08, 2004
African Penguins???
I’ve also seen a lot of the region in my first week. I’ve been to the Cape of Good Hope, the South-western most point on the African continent, seen penguins on the beach, and survived my first ride in a mini-bus taxi… more to come about that later.
For now I’ve got to get off this computer and down to the Pick-‘N-Pay to grab some meat and a case of Castle Lager for our big Brai tomorrow night (South African BBQ).
Oh ya, it’s 23 degrees and sunny. I love African winter.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Don't drink and fly
not to be...
I had an 8 hour lay-over in London so I caught the Underground from Heathrow into town. It's July 1st, Canada Day, and after a little sightseeing I run into a guy wearing a Canucks jersey! As I walk past the guy, I see a HUGE crowd of people wearing hockey jerseys and waving Canadian flags. The police had the street blocked off and it was the biggest Canada Day party I'd ever seen! I met a whole bunch of people from all over Canada who were in London for all sorts of reasons. There must have been about 5 or 6 hundred people. There was a pub on the street called the Maple Leaf and they were selling nothing but Molson Canadian and Sleemans! Ya, so after about 3 hours, I'm on my second case of Canadian, am wearing a paper hockey helmet, and singing "Oh Canada" at the top of my lungs with a bunch of strangers from home. It was great! Finally, someone asked me what time my flight left and I was too drunk to care (or panic for that matter). Fortunately, this guy named Tim from Vancouver introduced me to his Austrian friend Bianca who was kind enough to lead me to the Underground station and make sure I got on the right train.
Heathrow is a BIG BIG airport... it's even bigger when you're vision is blurry and your feet aren't working properly. Thanks to the kindness of strangers I managed to get to my flight just as they were finishing up boarding.
Saturday, July 03, 2004
What do you mean its raining??
My address for the next 5 months is:
79 Albion Road
Rondebosch, 7700
Cape Town, South Africa
Feel free to send letters, country music, and Canadian Beer.
You can also call me from North America on my cell. Dial this from Canada or the US:
All the best to everyone back home. Enjoy the sun, you'll miss it when its gone.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
vancouver, canada
Pissing it up one more time... Boone County Country Cabaret in Coquitlam! This Saturday, June 26. Everyone is invited, I'll probably get there around 10. Last big Booner night... maybe forever. End of an era. See you guys at "our spot".
Here we go...
Alright, it's one week before I leave for a chilly Cape Town winter so I thought I better figure out how I'm going to do this thing. This is my experiment post to get the bugs out before I go. For those of you that don't know, I'm moving to Cape Town South Africa on Wednesday to go to school at UCT for a semester before taking 6 weeks and traveling around Southern Africa.
Now that work has pretty much finished up I've been enjoying the hot Vancouver weather as much as I can. Camping, Baseball games, Out at Cultus Lake Waterslides yesterday with Nate and Maquinna, 24 Hour Relay with the crew from SSLC, BBQ for Lind's b-day at Spanish Banks... Gotta squeeze it all in before I go.
Here's a couple pictures from the last few weeks
More Later.